There are some mornings when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. We wake up feeling…a little less than energetic, unmotivated to do what needs to be done that day, and pretty much like we just want to stay in bed and pull the covers over our head. It happens to all of us! It’s in these moments, however, that we can really show our minds and bodies who’s boss. We do have it in us to push past that slump. We have the power to overcome those feelings, and when we do, we feel accomplished, spirited, and ready to take on what’s in front of us!

If you’re reading this and wondering, “how?!” Dr. Gena, a family chiropractor in Plantation, is here to help! She believes that affirmations and goal setting are the key to staying motivated. When you incorporate these two positive ways of thinking, you might find that it’s a lot easier to stay on track.

Here are some of Dr. Gena’s best motivation tips:

Set Your Intentions

As soon as you wake up in the morning, set a positive intention for how you would like your day to go. Don’t just think about the words… Say them out loud and manifest them into reality! An example of this is repeating an affirmation to yourself that describes how you want to feel or what you want to accomplish. An affirmation is a phrase that offers emotional support or encouragement. 

Not sure what kind of affirmation to use for yourself? Dr. Gena uses the following: “Today is going to be a great day. I am going to feel awake, revived, revitalized and refreshed.” She started using this in particular because she was frequently feeling run down and just exhausted. She has incorporated the teachings from a well known book, The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks, to make a change in the way she was feeling, and has found it to help immensely.

Similarly, you could also use a mantra, a word or a sound that is used in meditation to help aid concentration. Mantras can often help you feel grounded, more focused, and relaxed.

Both of these motivational strategies can do wonders for your mental state as you start to think about your day. Do whatever you can to make this part of your morning routine. Maybe you do it first thing, while you are still in bed, or perhaps you do it during your morning hygiene routine when you are in the bathroom and can look at yourself in the mirror as you speak the words out loud. Regardless of where you set your positive intentions, be sure to do it before any of your daily tasks begin.  


Think About Your WHY

This is a good one! We are all so preoccupied with our everyday activities, especially going to work, that it all becomes monotonous and robotic. We just do these things without really thinking too much about why we are doing them. We go to work and do our job, but it’s not just about putting in the hours and getting a paycheck — it should be more about loving what we do, feeling happy, and overall enjoying the ride we call life. Instead of focusing on that paycheck you get each month, focus on your passion for why you do what you do — essentially, your reason for getting out of bed in the morning.


Practice Positivity

In general, practicing tools of an overall positive lifestyle can truly help you stay motivated on a regular basis. This includes:

  • Engaging in deep, mindful breathing, like we talked about in our last blog post. 

  • Carving out the time in your schedule to move. This doesn’t just mean going to the gym every day and lifting weights or doing intense cardio. Simply getting up and moving for at least 30 minutes a few times per week will do the trick! Go for a walk outside, do light stretches, or practice yoga. 

  • Eating healthy, nutrient-dense food. This will help to keep your energy levels high and make you much more likely to feel motivated to get things done throughout the day. 

  • Celebrating goals and achievements. Choose a target goal, whether personally or professionally. Pick one goal that is something small and very attainable, and one that is outrageous that you really don’t know if you can achieve. Before you even accomplish these goals, think about how you will celebrate when you do. Having something exciting at the end of the road can motivate you even more to reach for those goals...and maybe even surpass them! For example, “When I ______, I’m going to ______.” Go on vacation, take a spa day, purchase that new bag or other item you’ve been eyeing… You get to pick!

We know it can be hard to find your motivation and stick to it, and that’s why we’re here to help. When you come to Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your favorite family chiropractor in Plantation, for an adjustment, not only will we work our magic on your body and bones, but we can work magic on your mindset too. 

Health is not just about how our bodies feel; it’s about how our minds feel as well. Remember, your health is in your hands; our hands are here to help. Call 954-417-5815 to schedule your appointment today.


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